Past IFPUG President: Thoughts and Musings

The Thoughts Of An Association President

Posts Tagged ‘Prometric’

Online CFPS Test and Other Thoughts

Posted by tcagley on February 10, 2010

A quick note, I guess I should rename the blog to Immediate Past IFPUG President. Once I decide how to do that . . . I will.

I finally took the new CFPS test at a Prometric site in Ohio. I had avoided taking the test for a few months however guilt finally overtook me. Lets start with the fact that I passed so take any of my comments through that filter.

Still three sections with the third being a set of case studies. Definitions and implementation questions dominate the first two sections (do not forget to study section 2 – Counting Practices). I would suggest really knowing what the manual says rather than trying to interpret it if you want to pass. I had to use the reference material only once until I went back and checked the answers. Opening the reference material sucks up system time. Make sure they put you on a decent machine or opening anything will be your enemy. Better yet STUDY rather than lean too heavily on the open book aspect.

Talk to your friends about how they approached the Case Study section. I am still not sure I approached it correctly. My advice is to count only what you see not what you think you should see. This means you might have to use not applicable. Wish this section was described better.

Two short comings. First this is an online test. You have to STARE at the screen for 3 hours (I got done in two then spent 30 minutes looking things up and a few putzing around). Take aspirin before you go I had a horrid headache from the screen even though I spend all of my time with a screen of some sort. Secondly, the test used to be a group event. The testing center is quite and you feel very solitary. Find a buddy or buddies to study and take the test with. I think it will make things more comfortable.

Overall the event was ok. Definitely not the horror story some people make it out to be. Getting the result is more fun than waiting. Stop putting it off, take two aspirin and take the test.

PS – LCCC’s site for taking the test is great. Also if you get advice on taking or not taking the exam ask the person whether they actually have taken the test online. There is a lot of misinformation floating around from people that have not visited the “PC of Doom.”

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